World International Conference on Education ( WICE ) – 2010 | World International Conference on Education ( WICE ) – 2010 | amman -jordan | local in 2012 |
American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition | American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition | United States of America Chicago , 7-8/9/2006 | International on 04/01/2012 |
The 7th Pan – Arab Congress of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | The 7th Pan – Arab Congress of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | 9-11 march, 2013 /Saudi Arabia | local on 16/05/2013 |
11 th International Educational Technology Conference | 11 th International Educational Technology Conference | 25-27/5/ 2011/ Istanbul - Turkey | International on 24/07/2011 |
11th International Conference on Knowledge – Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems KES2007 | 11th International Conference on Knowledge – Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems KES2007 | Vietri sul Mare , Italy 12-14 September 2007 | International on 28-02/2012 |
11th international symposium on process system engineering ( PSE2012 ) | 11th international symposium on process system engineering ( PSE2012 ) | 15-19july 2012, Singapore | International on 2/2/2014 |
12th Confernence for Computer Aided Engineering and System Modeling | 12th Confernence for Computer Aided Engineering and System Modeling | Antalya – Turkey / November 12-14,2007 | International on 28/06/2010 |
12th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems 2008 | 12th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems 2008 | Kunming , China / October 2008 | International on 25-01/2012 |
12th International Combustion Symposium | 12th International Combustion Symposium | Kocaeli , Turkey 24-26 May 2012 | International on 01/07/2013 |
12th International Conference on Machine Design and Production | 12th International Conference on Machine Design and Production | UMTIK 2006 Spetember 5 - 8 , 2006 – Kusadasi – Turkey | Not on 06/01/2010 |
12th World Multi – Conference on Systemics , Cybernetics and Informatics | 12th World Multi – Conference on Systemics , Cybernetics and Informatics | June 29th – July 2nd , 2008 , Orlando , Florida, U.S.A. | International on 9/9/09 |
13th European Weed Research Society Symposium | 13th European Weed Research Society Symposium | Bari – Italy / 19-23/6/2005 | International on 01/06/2011 |
13th International Workshop on Post – Binary ULSI Systems | 13th International Workshop on Post – Binary ULSI Systems | University of Toronto , Toronto , Canada , May 19 , 2004 | International on 30/5/07 |
14th Annual Charles B. Huggins Research Symposium | 14th Annual Charles B. Huggins Research Symposium | The University of Chicago , Department of Surgery May 5 , 2007 Chicago , U. S. A. | International on 13/2/08 |
14th IBIMA Conference on Global Business Transformation Through Innovation and Knowledge Management | 14th IBIMA Conference on Global Business Transformation Through Innovation and Knowledge Management | Istanboul – Turkey / 23-24 June 2010 | International on 27/12/2010 |
14th International Conference on Computer Theory & Applications . ICCTA 2004 | 14th International Conference on Computer Theory & Applications . ICCTA 2004 | 28 - 30 Sep, 2004 Aleskandariha, Egypt | Approved |
16th International Annual Euroma Conference , Implementation , Realizing Operations Management Knowledge | 16th International Annual Euroma Conference , Implementation , Realizing Operations Management Knowledge | 14 – 17 June 2009 , Goteborg , Sweden | International on 30/09/09 |
17th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (ACINE , 2005 ) | 17th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (ACINE , 2005 ) | | International on 18/2/09 |
17th International Conference on Electronics Circuits , and Systems | 17th International Conference on Electronics Circuits , and Systems | Dec 12,2010 – Dec 15-2010 / Athens , Greece | International on 25/03/2013 |
18th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine | 18th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine | Greece 28 May – 1 June 2012 | International on 06/07/2012 |
1st International Conference on Digital Communications and Computer Applications – ( DCCA 2007 ) | 1st International Conference on Digital Communications and Computer Applications – ( DCCA 2007 ) | Jordan , March 19 – 22 , 2007 | International on 26/9/07 |
1st International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems | 1st International Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems | 18-20 May 2009 Athens , Greece | International on24/11/2011 |
1st International Conference on the Internet Society. Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (The Internet Society 2004) | 1st International Conference on the Internet Society. Advances in Learning, Commerce and Security (The Internet Society 2004) | Wessex Institute of Technology, U.K., and the University of Bergen, Norway,2004 | Approved |
1st Water and Environment International Conference (WATEIC) | 1st Water and Environment International Conference (WATEIC) | Marrakesh , Marocco , 26-29 October 2011 | local on 25-01/2012 |
1th international conference on new trends in business management and social sciences | 1th international conference on new trends in business management and social sciences | 26-27.march 2015, Dubai ,U.A.E | not on 21/9/2015 |
2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference | 2005 European Simulation and Modelling Conference | 24 – 26 October 2005 : University of Porto , Portgal | International on 10/9/08 |
2006 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering ( ISKE 2006 ) | 2006 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering ( ISKE 2006 ) | April 6 – 7 , 2006 , Shanghai , China | International |
2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management ( ICSSS M ' 06 ) | 2006 International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management ( ICSSS M ' 06 ) | October 25 – 27, 2006 , Troys , France | International on 2/1/08 |
2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007) | 2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007) | 25-28 September 2007 Singafora | International on24/11/2011 |
2008 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2008) | 2008 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS 2008) | 16-18 June 2008 / U.K | International on24/11/2011 |
2009 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2009) | 2009 International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA 2009) | 7-8 March 2009 Berlin , Germany | International on24/11/2011 |
2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT) | 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT) | The University of Jordan , Amman , Jordan , 6-8 December 2011 | International on 12-02/2012 |
2011 International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology ( ICKET 2011) | 2011 International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology ( ICKET 2011) | Chengdu University of Information Technology , China / June 10-12 , 2011 | International on 01/06/2011 |
2014 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences | 2014 International Conference on Business and Social Sciences | 28-30 March 2014, Japan | International on 14/05/2014 |
20th congress of union of Arab pediatric societies and 15th international conference the Jordan pediatric society | 20th congress of union of Arab pediatric societies and 15th international conference the Jordan pediatric society | 29 April - 2May 2015, Amman, Jordan | not on 21/9/2015 |
20th IFOS World Congress | 20th IFOS World Congress | Madrid, Spain 10-15 September 1989 | International on 29/11/2013 |
21 International Networking Education in Health Care Conference NET 2010 | 21 International Networking Education in Health Care Conference NET 2010 | 7-9 September 2010 / University of Cambridge / U.K | International on 03/03/2013 |
28 National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2011) | 28 National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2011) | Egypt , 15-17 April 2011 | local on 04/06/2012 |
28th International Supercomputing conference, ISC'13 | 28th International Supercomputing conference, ISC'13 | Leipzig, Germany, 16- 20 June 2013 | International on 17/09/2013 |
29th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2012) | 29th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2012) | Egypt , 10-12 April 2012 | local on 04/06/2012 |
2nd International Conference on Biotechnology Engineering ( ICBIOE'11) | 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology Engineering ( ICBIOE'11) | Kuala Lampur – Malaysia / 17-19/5/2011 | International on 05/07/2011 |
2nd International Conference on Mechatronics 2005 , (ICOM ' 05 ). Mechatronics : Integrated Engineering for Sustainable Development | 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics 2005 , (ICOM ' 05 ). Mechatronics : Integrated Engineering for Sustainable Development | Pan Pacific Hotel , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. 10 – 12 May 2005.Organized By : Faculty of Engineering , International Islamic University , Malaysia | International on 4/7/07 |
2nd International Seminar on Syariah and Common Law ISCOL 2012 | 2nd International Seminar on Syariah and Common Law ISCOL 2012 | March 6-7 March 7 2012 University Sains Islam / Malaysia | local on 17/05/2012 |
3 RD Asian Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation , ASTEC 2011 | 3 RD Asian Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation , ASTEC 2011 | Singapore , 1-3 March 2011 | International on 28/09/2011 |
3rd Annual International Conference Physical Education, Sport and Heath | 3rd Annual International Conference Physical Education, Sport and Heath | University of Pitest, Romania, November 2010 | International on 15/07/2013 |
3rd Annual Traffic Management and Bus Priority Conference 2011 | 3rd Annual Traffic Management and Bus Priority Conference 2011 | John Moores University Liverpool / England 19-20 July 2011 | International on 17/08/2011 |
3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics , Simulation & Modelling , (ASM'09) | 3rd International Conference on Applied Mathematics , Simulation & Modelling , (ASM'09) | Athens, Greece , December 29 – 31 , 2009 | International on 23/3/2010 |
3rd international language and literature conference | 3rd international language and literature conference | 30 October -1 November 2014 –Tirane .ALbania | local on 10/06/2015 |
3rd international language and literature conference | 3rd international language and literature conference | 30 October -1 November 2014 –Tirane .ALbania | local on 13/8/2015 |
3rd Mediterranean Summit of WPSA and 6th International Poultry Conference | 3rd Mediterranean Summit of WPSA and 6th International Poultry Conference | Alexandria – Egypt 26-29 March / 2012 | local on 17/05/2012 |
3rd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications , Computers and Applications ( MIC – CCA 2009 ) | 3rd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications , Computers and Applications ( MIC – CCA 2009 ) | 26 – 28 October 2009 – Days Inn – Amman – Jordan | local on 03/03/2010 |
4th Confernce on the History and Archaeology of Jordan ( Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan IV) | 4th Confernce on the History and Archaeology of Jordan ( Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan IV) | Lion /France 1992 | Approved |
4th Gulf Water Conference."Water in the Gulf, Challenges of the 21St Century". | 4th Gulf Water Conference."Water in the Gulf, Challenges of the 21St Century". | Bahrain 1999 | Not |
4th Inter. Conf.on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment(Land-Ocean Interactions).Fourth Inter. Conf.on Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas. | 4th Inter. Conf.on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment(Land-Ocean Interactions).Fourth Inter. Conf.on Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas. | November 9-13 , 1999 Antalya, Turkey. | International |
4th International Cerebral Palsy Conference | 4th International Cerebral Palsy Conference | Pisa , Italy , 10-13 October 2012 | local on 11/06/2013 |
4th International Conference : Sciences of Electronic , Technologies of Information and Telecommunications , SETIT , 2007 | 4th International Conference : Sciences of Electronic , Technologies of Information and Telecommunications , SETIT , 2007 | March 25 – 29 , 2007 , Tunisia | International on 16/4/08 |
4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering Electrical Control | 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering Electrical Control | Bursa – Turkey / 7-11 December 2005 | International on 17/01/2011 |
4th International Conference on Energy Research and Development | 4th International Conference on Energy Research and Development | Kuwait , November 17 – 19 , 2008 | local on 03/03/2010 |
4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development | 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Development | January 19-20 , 2013 / Dubai , UAE | International on 03/03/2013 |
4th World Conference on Psychology , Counselling & Guidance WCPCG - 2013 | 4th World Conference on Psychology , Counselling & Guidance WCPCG - 2013 | 24 – 26 May – 2013 / Istanbul - Turky | International on16/05/2013 |
4th WSEAS Conference on ManuFacturing Engineering Quality and Production Systems (MEQAPS'11) | 4th WSEAS Conference on ManuFacturing Engineering Quality and Production Systems (MEQAPS'11) | 15-17 September 2011 / Spain | International on 24/10/2012 |
5th BBBB International Conference | 5th BBBB International Conference | School of Pharmacy / University of Athens – Greece, 26-28 September 2013 | International on 29/11/2013 |
5th Egyptian-Syrian Conference On Chemical and Petroleum Engineering | 5th Egyptian-Syrian Conference On Chemical and Petroleum Engineering | 13 - 16 Oct, 2003. Suez Canal University, Egypt | Approved |
5th Eurosim Congress on Modeling and Simulation | 5th Eurosim Congress on Modeling and Simulation | ESIEE Paris, Marne La Vallee, France 6-10 September 2004 | International |
5th International Conference of Production Engineering and Design for Development.(PEDD 5) | 5th International Conference of Production Engineering and Design for Development.(PEDD 5) | April 28- 30, 1998 | Approved |
5th International Congress on Food Technology | 5th International Congress on Food Technology | Thessaloniki, Greece / 9-11/3/2007 | International on 01/06/2011 |
5th International Weed Science Congress | 5th International Weed Science Congress | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada / 23-27/6/2008 | International on 01/06/2011 |
5th meidter retina club international Meeting | 5th meidter retina club international Meeting | Jordan , 11/11/2011 | local on 12-02/2012 |
6th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services | 6th International Conference of the Royal Medical Services | 19-22 November 2012 / Jordan | International on 03/03/2013 |
7th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds | 7th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds | May 5-8, 2002 Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada | Approved |
7th International Conference on Education : International Reflections on Education and Business | 7th International Conference on Education : International Reflections on Education and Business | Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens , Greece , 2006 | International on 7/2/07 |
7th International Conference on Circuits Systems, and Signals | 7th International Conference on Circuits Systems, and Signals | January, 2013 / Boston U.S.A | International on 03/03/2013 |
7th international conference on water resource in the Mediterranean basin ( WATMED 7 ) | 7th international conference on water resource in the Mediterranean basin ( WATMED 7 ) | October 2014. morocco | International on 10/06/2015 |
9th Middle Eastern Simulation Muticonference " MESM ' 2008 " | 9th Middle Eastern Simulation Muticonference " MESM ' 2008 " | August 26 – 28 , 2008 , Philadelphia University , Amman – Jordan | Local on 10/9/08 |
ACIT 2001 .The Proceedings of The 2001. International Arab Conference on Information Technology | ACIT 2001 .The Proceedings of The 2001. International Arab Conference on Information Technology | Jordan University of Science & Technology , Jordan. December 19 – 21 , 2001 | Local on 11/7/07 |
ACIT 2006. The 7th International Arab Conference on Information Technology | ACIT 2006. The 7th International Arab Conference on Information Technology | Yarmouk University , Jordan , December 19 – 21 , 2006 | Local on 18/7/07 |
ACIT 2002. The Proceedings of the 2002 International Arab Conference on Information Technology | ACIT 2002. The Proceedings of the 2002 International Arab Conference on Information Technology | Computer Center – University of Qatar , Qatar | Local on 19/3/08 |
AICCSA 2007. The 5th ACS / IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications | AICCSA 2007. The 5th ACS / IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications | Le Meridien Amman Hotel , Amman , Jordan , May 13-16, 2007 | International on 11/7/07 |
American institute of chemical engineering (AICHE) Annual meeting | American institute of chemical engineering (AICHE) Annual meeting | San Francisco , november 3-8/2013 | International on 24/09/2013 |
American society for virology 32annual meeting ( Asv2013) | American society for virology 32annual meeting ( Asv2013) | 20-24 July 2013, university park Pennsylvania | International on 2/2/2014 |
American Studies Association Annual Meeting | American Studies Association Annual Meeting | USA / 18-21/11/2010 | International on 05/07/2011 |
American Studies Regional Conference :"Developing American Studies at Arab Universities : Resources , Research and Outreach | American Studies Regional Conference :"Developing American Studies at Arab Universities : Resources , Research and Outreach | Cairo, Egypt / January 24-26, 2004 | local on 11/05/2011 |
Animale Sociale E Home Homaninilupus | Animale Sociale E Home Homaninilupus | University of Perugia , Italy , 1-10-2010 | International on 05-04/2012 |
Annual International Academic Conference on Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies ( ICT 2010) | Annual International Academic Conference on Infocomm Technologies in Competitive Strategies ( ICT 2010) | Mandarin Orchard , Singapore 25-26/ / October 2010 | International on 27/12/2010 |
Annual Meeting of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) | Annual Meeting of the Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE) | 7-10 Sept 2011 Antalya / Turkey | International on24/11/2011 |
ANTEC 2002 | ANTEC 2002 | San Francisco / U.S.A/may 5-9, 2002 | International on 21/03/2011 |
Applied Computing 2007 IADIS International Conference | Applied Computing 2007 IADIS International Conference | February 18 – 20 Salamanca , Spain | International 09/02/2010 |
Applied Ergonomics 2007 | Applied Ergonomics 2007 | 12-15 March 2007, Dallas | International on 14/05/2014 |
Applied Erogonomics conference | Applied Erogonomics conference | 24- 27 march 2014 | International on 15/01/2014 |
ASCEE-3 third Ain Shams International Conference on Environmental Engineering | ASCEE-3 third Ain Shams International Conference on Environmental Engineering | Cairo , Egypt , 14-16 April 2009 | local on 12-02/2012 |
ASME Turbo Eypo 2006 | ASME Turbo Eypo 2006 | 8-11 May 2006 / Spain | International on 25/03/2013 |
Association For Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language ( ASELE) / SPAIN | Association For Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language ( ASELE) / SPAIN | Spanish umhersities | International on 21/03/2011 |
AUA Annual meeting | AUA Annual meeting | Orlando. U.S.A , 16/21/2014 | International on 3/08/2014 |
Australasian Language Technology Summer School ( ALTSS( and Australasian Language Technology Workshop ( ALTW( 2003 | Australasian Language Technology Summer School ( ALTSS( and Australasian Language Technology Workshop ( ALTW( 2003 | University of Melbourne , Australia on December 10, 2003 | International on 29/11/2010 |
Biochemical Society Transaction, 649th Meeting | Biochemical Society Transaction, 649th Meeting | Imperial College, London, U.K. | Not |
British Neuroscience Association (BNA 2013) | British Neuroscience Association (BNA 2013) | Barbican Center , London , 7-10 April 2013 | International on 01/07/2013 |
British Pharmacological Society (BPS) | British Pharmacological Society (BPS) | 18-21 December 2012 , London , U.K | International on 27/11/2012 |
Canadian Urological Association | Canadian Urological Association | Niagara Falls , Canada, 22-25 June 2013 | not on 24/12/2013 |
CATAEE 2002, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on : Computational Aspects and Their Applications in Electrical Engineering | CATAEE 2002, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on : Computational Aspects and Their Applications in Electrical Engineering | Philadelphia University , Jordan 19 – 21 March 2002 | Local on 11/7/07 |
Challenges Facing Teaching Arabic in the 21st Century | Challenges Facing Teaching Arabic in the 21st Century | Carnegie Mellon University in Qater /9-11/2/2011 | local on 05/07/2011 |
CME 25 Conference " Construction Management and Economics , Past , Present and Future " | CME 25 Conference " Construction Management and Economics , Past , Present and Future " | 16th - 18th July 2007 . University of Reading , U.K | International on 18/2/09 |
COLING : 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; Proceedings of the Workshop | COLING : 20th International Conference on Computational Linguistics ; Proceedings of the Workshop | Geneva, August, 28, 2004 | International on 29/11/2010 |
Comparative and International Education Society | Comparative and International Education Society | Baltimore , Maryland / U.S.A , 25 February – 1 March 2007 | International on 05-04/2012 |
Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages , Proceedings of the Workshop | Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages , Proceedings of the Workshop | 11 July 2002 , University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , PA , U.S.A. | International on 28/1/09 |
Critical Issues for the 21st Century Global Economy : Economics , Finance , Management & Enterpreneurship | Critical Issues for the 21st Century Global Economy : Economics , Finance , Management & Enterpreneurship | Athens Institute for Education and Research , 2007 | International on 29/4/09 |
CTBUH 2008, 8th World Congress , Tall & Creen : Typology for A Sustainable Urban Future | CTBUH 2008, 8th World Congress , Tall & Creen : Typology for A Sustainable Urban Future | 3 – 5 March m 2008 , Dubi , United Arab Emirates | International on 22/4/08 |
De lo Sagrado y lo Profano : Mujeres tras / entre /sin fronteras | De lo Sagrado y lo Profano : Mujeres tras / entre /sin fronteras | 2008 spain | International on 27/12/2010 |
Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing / GIS Application III | Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing / GIS Application III | Edinburgh, UK, 24-27 September 2012 | International on 15/07/2013 |
E-learn – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate , Government Healthcare , and Higher Education | E-learn – World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate , Government Healthcare , and Higher Education | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | International on 8/7/09 |
E-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia , Hypermedia & Telecommunications | E-Media World Conference on Educational Multimedia , Hypermedia & Telecommunications | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | International on 8/7/09 |
Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science | Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science | United Arab Emirates, 26- 28 November 2013 | International on 15/01/2014 |
Environment and Judiciaries of the Arab World Proceedings of the Arab Chif Justics Regional Confrece and Symposium on Training of Judges and Other Legal Stakeh-olders in Enviromental Law and Sustainable Development | Environment and Judiciaries of the Arab World Proceedings of the Arab Chif Justics Regional Confrece and Symposium on Training of Judges and Other Legal Stakeh-olders in Enviromental Law and Sustainable Development | Cairo , Egypt May 29 – 31 , 2004 | Local on 28/1/09 |
Eurasia Waster Management Symposium | Eurasia Waster Management Symposium | Turkey 14-16 November 2011 | local on 28-02/2012 |
EuroMedia 2007. Thirteenth Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology , New Media, Communications and Telematics Theory , Methods, Tools and Applications | EuroMedia 2007. Thirteenth Annual Scientific Conference on Web Technology , New Media, Communications and Telematics Theory , Methods, Tools and Applications | April 25 – 27 , 2007 Delft , The Netherlands | International on 12/9/07 |
European Biotechnology Congress 2011 | European Biotechnology Congress 2011 | September 28- October 1 , 2011, Turkey | International on 25/03/2013 |
European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 21st) | European Congress of Psychiatry (EPA 21st) | Nice , France 6-9 April 2013 | International on 27/11/2012 |
European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern conference on Information Systems | European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern conference on Information Systems | Munich ,Germany , 7- 8 june2012 | International on 01/08/2013 |
Europen conference on Information System | Europen conference on Information System | Utrecht University the Netherlands , 5-8 june 2013 | International on 01/08/2013 |
Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy | Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy | S. Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers ., Basel , Freiburg , Paris , London , New Delhi , Bangkok , Singapore , Tokyo , Sydney | International on 17/12/08 |
First International Conference on Human Perspective in the Internet Society : Culture , Psychology & Gender | First International Conference on Human Perspective in the Internet Society : Culture , Psychology & Gender | Cadiz , Spain , 7 – 10 September 2004 | Pending for study on 23/3/2010 |
First International Conference on Human Perspective in the Internet Society, Culture , Psychology and Gender | First International Conference on Human Perspective in the Internet Society, Culture , Psychology and Gender | Cadiz, Spain , September 7-10 , 2004 | International on 14/4/2010 |
First International Conference on Human Perspective in the Internet Society, Culture , Psychology and Gender | First International Conference on Human Perspective in the Internet Society, Culture , Psychology and Gender | Cadiz, Spain , September 7-10 , 2004 | International on 14/04/2010 |
Food Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas | Food Security and Climate Change in Dry Areas | 1-4 February 2010 , Amman / Jordan | International on 21/12/2011 |
Gender and Women's Studies in the Arab Region | Gender and Women's Studies in the Arab Region | 7-9 March 2012 , United Arab Emirates | International on 17/02/2013 |
Gender and Women's Studies in the Arab Region | Gender and Women's Studies in the Arab Region | 7-9 March 2012 , United Arab Emirates | local on 24/10/2012 |
Glass and Optical Materials. Materials Science and Technology 2006, Conference and Exhibition : Materials and Systems Vol. 1 | Glass and Optical Materials. Materials Science and Technology 2006, Conference and Exhibition : Materials and Systems Vol. 1 | Duke Energy Center, Cincinnati , OH , U. S. A. October 15 – 19 , 2006 | International on 21/3/07 |
Globecom Workshops (GCWKshps) 2011 IEEE | Globecom Workshops (GCWKshps) 2011 IEEE | Houston , TX , 5-9 December 2011 | International on 04/06/2012 |
Groupment des Pharmacochimistes de I' Arc Atlantique GP2A | Groupment des Pharmacochimistes de I' Arc Atlantique GP2A | University of Bath United Kingdom | International on 04/01/2012 |
IAB WOMEN In Science International Symposium The Science of Health , Beauty and Ageing | IAB WOMEN In Science International Symposium The Science of Health , Beauty and Ageing | Universiti Selangor Shah Alam , Malaysia , 7 May 2012 | local on 04/06/2012 |
IASTED- Modelling and Simulation | IASTED- Modelling and Simulation | Banff, Alberta, Canada /6-8 July, 2009 | International on 31/05/2010 |
IC ECECE 2012 International Conference on Electrical , Computer , Electronics and Communication Engineering | IC ECECE 2012 International Conference on Electrical , Computer , Electronics and Communication Engineering | World Academy of Sciences – Engineering and Technology , Zurch Switzerland , 15-17 January 2012 | International on 21/06/2012 |
ICGST International Conference on Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML – 06) | ICGST International Conference on Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning (AIML – 06) | 13 – 15 June 2006 , Sharm El Shoikh , Egypt | Local on 4/2/09 |
ICT – learn 2008 , 7th International Internet Education Conference and Exhibition | ICT – learn 2008 , 7th International Internet Education Conference and Exhibition | Ramsis Hilton , Cairo – Egypt 7 – 9 October / 2008 | International on 03/03/2010 |
IEEE – 3rd International Confernece on Information & Communication Technologies : From Theory to Applications | IEEE – 3rd International Confernece on Information & Communication Technologies : From Theory to Applications | Damascus , April 24-28 , 2006 | International on 29/11/2010 |
IEEE Engineering Education 2011 " Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education | IEEE Engineering Education 2011 " Learning Environments and Ecosystems in Engineering Education | princess Sumaya University for Technology in Amman , Jordan / 4-6 April 2011 | International on 01/06/2011 |
IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010) | IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2010) | 23-27 May 2010 Cape Town , South Africa | International on24/11/2011 |
IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) | IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) | 6-9 July 2008 Recife , Brazil | International on24/11/2011 |
IEEE/SSD Multi – Conference on System , Signals , Devices | IEEE/SSD Multi – Conference on System , Signals , Devices | Amman – Jordan – July 20-22 , 2008 | local on 31/05/2010 |
IEEE/SSD multi – conference on systems Signals , Devices | IEEE/SSD multi – conference on systems Signals , Devices | Amman, Jordan , 20-23 July 2008 | Pending for study on 14/4/2010 |
IGC Cologne 2012-32nd International Geographical Congress | IGC Cologne 2012-32nd International Geographical Congress | 26-30 August 2012 | not on 13/05/2015 |
IJCNN 2003 Conference , International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Sponsored by:-The International Neural Network Society and the IEEE Neural Networks Society | IJCNN 2003 Conference , International Joint Conference on Neural Networks Sponsored by:-The International Neural Network Society and the IEEE Neural Networks Society | Portland , Oregon , July 20 – 24, 2003 | International on 30/5/07 |
Immunobiology of the Human MHC, Proceedings the 13th International Histocompatibility workshop and Conference | Immunobiology of the Human MHC, Proceedings the 13th International Histocompatibility workshop and Conference | International Histocompatibility working Groups ( I H W G ) , the IHWS working Groups , HLA NomenCalture Committee / U.S.A | International on 05/05/2010 |
Interdisciplinary Conference of Chemical Mechanical and Material Engineering | Interdisciplinary Conference of Chemical Mechanical and Material Engineering | Melbourne , Australia 7-20 December , 2009 | International on 01/08/2010 |
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on The Arab Spring and its Implications for American Studies Arab Universities | Interdisciplinary Perspectives on The Arab Spring and its Implications for American Studies Arab Universities | Marrakech , 4-8 December 2012 | International on 17/02/2013 |
International Association of Forensic Toxicologists Proceeding of the 34th Triennial Meeting (TIAFT) | International Association of Forensic Toxicologists Proceeding of the 34th Triennial Meeting (TIAFT) | Inerlaken, Canton Berne, Switzerland, 1996 | Approved |
International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing , CITALA – 07 | International Colloquium on Arabic Language Processing , CITALA – 07 | Mohammed Vth University – Rabat – Morocco , Institute for Study and Research on Arabization, June 18th an 19 2007 | International on 26/9/07 |
International Conference : Cultural Heritage & Architectural Education. | International Conference : Cultural Heritage & Architectural Education. | Misr International University and the International Union of Architects, The Society of Architects. Cairo - Egypt/ 1997 | Approved |
International Conference : The Urban Environment in the Mediterranean : The Population Flow from Rural to Urban Areas Problems and Implications . | International Conference : The Urban Environment in the Mediterranean : The Population Flow from Rural to Urban Areas Problems and Implications . | Malta /1997 | Approved |
International Conference on Advanced Characterization of pavement and Soil Engineering Materials | International Conference on Advanced Characterization of pavement and Soil Engineering Materials | U.K /2007 | International on 28/11/2010 |
International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2012) | International Conference on Applications and Design in Mechanical Engineering (ICADME 2012) | Penang , Malaysia , 27-28 February 2012 | International on 23-04/2012 |
International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materilas and Manufacturing ( ICAMAM2010) | International Conference on Applied Mechanics, Materilas and Manufacturing ( ICAMAM2010) | Sultan Qaboos University , Muscat, Oman / December 13-15 , 2010 | local on 01/06/2011 |
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IC – Al '02 Volume Ш | International Conference on Artificial Intelligence IC – Al '02 Volume Ш | Las Vegas , Nevada , U.S.A. , June 24-27 , 2002 | International 09/02/2010 |
International Conference on Bio-Nanotechnology : Future Prospects in the Emirates , ICBN 2006 Proceedings | International Conference on Bio-Nanotechnology : Future Prospects in the Emirates , ICBN 2006 Proceedings | Al-Ain , UAE . November 18 – 21 , 2006 | International on 4/7/07 |
International Conference on Coastal Oceanography and Sustainable Marine Aquaculture (ICCOSMA) – Confluence & Synergy | International Conference on Coastal Oceanography and Sustainable Marine Aquaculture (ICCOSMA) – Confluence & Synergy | Kota Kinabalu , Sabah , Malaysuia 2 – 4 May , 2006 | International on 9/4/08 |
International Conference on Computer and Information Technology ' CCIT 2011" | International Conference on Computer and Information Technology ' CCIT 2011" | Dubai / 25-27/1/2011 | International on 04/04/2011 |
International Conference on Environment and Bioscience (ICEBS 2011) | International Conference on Environment and Bioscience (ICEBS 2011) | Cairo , Egypt / 21-22 October 2011 | local on 25-01/2012 |
International Conference on Environmental Performance of Tourist Accommodation Sector in Euro – Med Countries (CEPTA) | International Conference on Environmental Performance of Tourist Accommodation Sector in Euro – Med Countries (CEPTA) | 2 – 4 July 2008 , Movenpick Hotel , Petra , Jordan | Local on 12/11/08 |
International Conference on Geoenvironment 2000 (Towards a Safe Geoenvironment in New Millenium) | International Conference on Geoenvironment 2000 (Towards a Safe Geoenvironment in New Millenium) | Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 4-7 March,2000. Sultanate of Oman | Approved |
International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2011) | International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2011) | Istanbul , Turkey , 4-8 July 2011 | International on 04/06/2012 |
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (WASET) | International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (WASET) | 25-26 April 2012 , Paris / France | International on 24/10/2012 |
International conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) | International conference on Intelligent Computing (ICIC) | 15-18/9/2008 , Shanghar /China | International on 05/10/2011 |
International Conference on Nanotechnology" ICON008 " | International Conference on Nanotechnology" ICON008 " | King Abdul Aziz University , Saudi Arabia | Local on 4/2/09 |
International conference on oral and maxillofacial surgery | International conference on oral and maxillofacial surgery | 21-24 October 2013, Spain | International on 16/3/2014 |
international conference on pharmaceutical biological sciences ( ICPBs 2013) | international conference on pharmaceutical biological sciences ( ICPBs 2013) | 17-18 October 2013, U.A.E | Not on 13/4/2014 |
International Conference on Regulation And Competition Policy For Development Practice & Challenges " ICRCP " | International Conference on Regulation And Competition Policy For Development Practice & Challenges " ICRCP " | Faculty of Business , The University of Jordan – Amman – 27 – 28 January 2010 | local on 03/03/2010 |
International Conference on Sediment Transport Modelling in Hydrological Watersheds and Rivers | International Conference on Sediment Transport Modelling in Hydrological Watersheds and Rivers | Istanbul, Turkey, 14-16 November 2012 | International on 15/07/2013 |
International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems | International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems | September 7-10, 2010 / Gliwice - Poland | International on 25/03/2013 |
International Conference on Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse ( SUWTR) | International Conference on Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse ( SUWTR) | Nicosia – Cyprus / 15-16 / September / 2005 | International on 24/07/2011 |
International Conference on Technology Communication and Education Procedings | International Conference on Technology Communication and Education Procedings | Gulf University For Science & Technology , Kuwait , April 7 – 9, 2008 | Local on 28/1/09 |
International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Tachnologies ( ICADIWT 2008) | International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Tachnologies ( ICADIWT 2008) | Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic August 4-6 , 2008 | International on 20/04/2011 |
International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Theory and Applications | International Conference on Thermal Engineering, Theory and Applications | 31 May- 4 June, 2004 Beirut, Lebanon | Approved |
International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering | International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering | Maldives , February 2-3/2013 | International on 01/09/2013 |
International Conferene on Business & Information 2009 | International Conferene on Business & Information 2009 | July 6 – 8 , 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | International on 22/7/09 |
International Confererence on Multimedia Computing and Information Technolgy( MCIT 2010 ) | International Confererence on Multimedia Computing and Information Technolgy( MCIT 2010 ) | Univeristy of Sharjah , Sharjah, UAE / March 2-4 , 2010 | International on 04/04/2011 |
International Congress "Domes in the World" | International Congress "Domes in the World" | Haly – Florence / 19 - 23 March 2012 | International on 23-04/2012 |
International Congress : Integrated Water Resource Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development | International Congress : Integrated Water Resource Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development | Marrakech 23 – 25 May /2006 | International |
International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid Regions | International Engineering Conference on Hot Arid Regions | King faisl University Al-Ahsa – Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , 2010 | local on 03/03/2010 |
International Federation of Phamacy ” FIP” | International Federation of Phamacy ” FIP” | Ireland, 31/8- 5/9 - 2013 | International on 29/11/2013 |
International ICST Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (Mobimedia) | International ICST Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (Mobimedia) | 7-9 September 2009 London , U. K | International on24/11/2011 |
International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS) | International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS) | 17-19/3/2010 / Hong Kong | International on 05/10/2011 |
International Multi-Conference on Systems , Signals , and Devices (SSD-11) | International Multi-Conference on Systems , Signals , and Devices (SSD-11) | Sousse – Tunisia , 22-25 March 2011 | International on 17/08/2011 |
International Muti- Conference on System , Signals and Devices (SSD-12) | International Muti- Conference on System , Signals and Devices (SSD-12) | Germany 20-23 March 2012 | International on 17/05/2012 |
International Nursing Forum Global Partnership in Nursing | International Nursing Forum Global Partnership in Nursing | 19-20 , 2011 April / Amman - Jordan | local on 03/03/2013 |
International Science and Technology Conference ISTEC 2010 | International Science and Technology Conference ISTEC 2010 | 27-29/10/2012 , Turkia | local on 24/10/2012 |
International Society for Optical Engineering Proceedings , (SPIE) | International Society for Optical Engineering Proceedings , (SPIE) | 1 – 2 February 1996 - San Jose – California | International on 26/9/07 |
International Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management Symposium (USAYS) | International Sustainable Water and Wastewater Management Symposium (USAYS) | Konya , Turkey / 26-28 October 2010 | local on 25-01/2012 |
International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA) | International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA) | June 29- July 1, 2009 , Trabzon / Turkey | International on 05/10/2011 |
International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis. IWLS 2004 | International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis. IWLS 2004 | Temocula Creek Inn , Temecula , California , U.S.A. , June 2 – 4 2004 | International on 30/5/07 |
Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment | Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment | University of oxford, oxford Internet Institute , UK , 16 -17 September 2010 | International on 01/08/2013 |
Irrigation Management and Saline Conditions | Irrigation Management and Saline Conditions | Jordan University of Science and Technology 21-23 June 1999 | local on 28-02/2012 |
ISWSA '10 the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web Services and Application | ISWSA '10 the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web Services and Application | Amman , Jordan – June 14-16, 2010 | International on 20/04/2011 |
JIEEEC 2001. Proceedings of 4th Jordanian International Electrical & Electronics Engineering Conference | JIEEEC 2001. Proceedings of 4th Jordanian International Electrical & Electronics Engineering Conference | Jordan Engineers Association Amman – Jordan , April 16-18, 2001 | Local on 11/7/07 |
Joint Congess SOE/ AAO European Society of Ophthalmology | Joint Congess SOE/ AAO European Society of Ophthalmology | 4-7 June 2011 Geneva , Switzerland | International on 05/10/2011 |
Khowledge - Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systemes. 9th International Conference , KES 2005 | Khowledge - Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systemes. 9th International Conference , KES 2005 | Melbourne , Australia. September 2005 | International on 6/6/07 |
Lasermethoden in Der Stroemungsmesstechnik 2009 | Lasermethoden in Der Stroemungsmesstechnik 2009 | 8 – 10 September – 2009 , (GALA) , Germany | International on 03/03/2010 |
Le Cadre Europeen , Une Reference Mondiale ? | Le Cadre Europeen , Une Reference Mondiale ? | Actes Du Colloque , De Sevres 2007 | International on 6/5/09 |
Le Francais , Le defi de La Diversite | Le Francais , Le defi de La Diversite | Actes du XL ' Congres Mondial des Professeurs de Francais , Atlanta (U.S.A.) , 19 – 23 juillet 2004 | International on 24/12/08 |
Legal Economic and Eco-cultural issues of Russian and north Caucasus Federal District | Legal Economic and Eco-cultural issues of Russian and north Caucasus Federal District | Russia, 20- 21 December 2012 | local on 15/01/2014 |
Les Voix du Francais : Usages et representations | Les Voix du Francais : Usages et representations | The University of Oxford , 3 – 5 September 2008 , U.K | International on 23/3/2010 |
London International Conference on Education (LICE – 2009) | London International Conference on Education (LICE – 2009) | | International on 07/10/09 |
LREC 2002 . Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation | LREC 2002 . Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation | June 1 , 2002 . Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain | Not on 2/6/08 |
Materials | Materials | Research Society Meeting Proceedings | International on 3/6/09 |
Mediterranean Microwave Symposium | Mediterranean Microwave Symposium | Caceres June 26-28, 2002 / Spain | International on 04/10/2010 |
Melecon 2012 the 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference | Melecon 2012 the 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference | Medina , Tunisia , 25-28 March 2012 | International on 23-04/2012 |
Mujeres, circuitos de colaboracion y asociacionismo en la cultura y la historia de la America Latina y el Caribe | Mujeres, circuitos de colaboracion y asociacionismo en la cultura y la historia de la America Latina y el Caribe | La Habana 20-24 February 2012 | International on 14-03/2012 |
Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information System ( IADIS) | Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information System ( IADIS) | Algarve , Portugal June , 17 – 19, 2009 | International 09/02/2010 |
Multilingualism Across Europe | Multilingualism Across Europe | 24 – 26, 8 , 2006 , Bolzano , Italy | International on 22/7/09 |
NDE/ NDT for Highways and Bridges/ Structural Materials Technology (SMT) | NDE/ NDT for Highways and Bridges/ Structural Materials Technology (SMT) | 16-20 August 2010 –New York . U.S.A | International on 10/06/2015 |
Ninth International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering ( ACE2010) | Ninth International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering ( ACE2010) | Karadeniz Technical University Turkey 27-30 September 2010 | local on 29/11/2010 |
Ocean sciences meeting | Ocean sciences meeting | 22-26 February 2010, U.S.A | International on 2/3/2014 |
Olivebioteq 2006 , Second International Seminar:"Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products Around the Mediterranean Basin" | Olivebioteq 2006 , Second International Seminar:"Biotechnology and Quality of Olive Tree Products Around the Mediterranean Basin" | 5 – 10 November , 2006 Marsala – Mazara Del Vallo , Italy | International on 2/2/08 |
Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Proceeding. | Pacific Conference on Manufacturing Proceeding. | Industrial Research Institute Swinburn Australia,1998, | Approved |
Pharmacology 2013 | Pharmacology 2013 | 17-19 December 2013, London , U.K | International on 13/8/2015 |
Phiology journalism and international communication | Phiology journalism and international communication | Russia, 4- 26 April 2013 | local on 15/01/2014 |
Power Control and Optimization : Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization | Power Control and Optimization : Proceedings of the 2nd Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization | Bali , Indonesia 1 – 3 June 2009 | International on 23/3/2010 |
Proceeding of 10th International Congress On Sound and Vibration | Proceeding of 10th International Congress On Sound and Vibration | 7 - 10 July,2003 Stockholm, Sweden | Approved |
Proceeding of 6th International Conference On Production Engineering and Design for Development | Proceeding of 6th International Conference On Production Engineering and Design for Development | Cairo/ Egypt 12- 14 Feb., 2002 | Approved |
Proceeding of the 2013 International Conference on Electronics , Signal Proceeding and Communication System( ESPCO 2013 ) | Proceeding of the 2013 International Conference on Electronics , Signal Proceeding and Communication System( ESPCO 2013 ) | 28-30 September 2013, Italy | International on 14/05/2014 |
Proceeding of the 20th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management | Proceeding of the 20th International Congress on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management | Faro – Portugal 13-15 June 2007 | International on 18/8/09 |
Proceeding of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference | Proceeding of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference | 6 – 9 Dec, 2005 , Tailand | International on 8/7/09 |
Proceedings of the 2007 – MIT Linc Conference , Technology-Enabled Education : A Catalyst For Positive Change | Proceedings of the 2007 – MIT Linc Conference , Technology-Enabled Education : A Catalyst For Positive Change | 28 October – 1 November , Amman , Jordan , Dubai , U.A.E | Local on 28/1/09 |
Proceedings 2007 USCID Fourth Internationl Conference on Irrigation and Drainage | Proceedings 2007 USCID Fourth Internationl Conference on Irrigation and Drainage | Sacramento , California , October 3 – 6 , 2007 | International on 2/4/08 |
Proceedings 6th international Conference on the Development of Dryland | Proceedings 6th international Conference on the Development of Dryland | 22-27 August 1999, Cairo, Egypt | Approved |
Proceedings of The 2008 International Arab Conference of e – Technology ( IACe-T'2008) | Proceedings of The 2008 International Arab Conference of e – Technology ( IACe-T'2008) | Arab Open University 15-16 October 2008 , Amman – Jordan | Local on 31/3/2010 |
Proceedings of (ISKE 2006) International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering | Proceedings of (ISKE 2006) International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering | April 6 – 7 2006 Shanghai , China | International on 25/6/08 |
Proceedings of 6th International Conference , Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS' 07) | Proceedings of 6th International Conference , Steel and Aluminium Structures (ICSAS' 07) | Oxford Brookes University , U.K. 24 – 27 , July , 2007 | International on 28/1/09 |
Proceedings of an International Symposium (S6) and (S4) | Proceedings of an International Symposium (S6) and (S4) | Al-Rebat/ Moraco 1997 | Approved |
Proceedings of ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference ( Emerging Technologies in Fluids , Structures , and Fluid / Structre Interactions ) | Proceedings of ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference ( Emerging Technologies in Fluids , Structures , and Fluid / Structre Interactions ) | Bosten / America 1999 | Approved |
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo Power for Land, Sea and Air | Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo Power for Land, Sea and Air | 14-17 June 2004 Vienna, Austria | Approved |
Proceedings of ICTTA'06. International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies : From Theory to Applications | Proceedings of ICTTA'06. International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies : From Theory to Applications | 24-28 April 2006 . Ummayyad Palace, Damascus , Syria | International on 5/9/07 |
Proceedings of Jordan International Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference JIEEEC'98 | Proceedings of Jordan International Electrical and Electronic Engineering Conference JIEEEC'98 | April 27-29 , 1995 / Amman / Jordan | International on 04/10/2010 |
Proceedings of the ( IOCOM'05) , The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics | Proceedings of the ( IOCOM'05) , The 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics | 10 – 12 May 2005 , Pan Pacific Hotel , Kualalumpur , Malysia | International on 25/6/08 |
Proceedings of the 12th International Business Information Management Association | Proceedings of the 12th International Business Information Management Association | Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , June 29 – 30 , 2009 | International on 30/09/09 |
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports | Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports | Hungarian University of Physical Education , Budapest , Hangaria . July 2-6 1994. | Approved |
Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation ( MED 2007 ) | Proceedings of the 15th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation ( MED 2007 ) | June 27 – 29 , 2007 Athens , Greece | International on 18/6/08 |
Proceedings of the 1997 International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium | Proceedings of the 1997 International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium | Montereal , Canada August 25 – 27 , 1997 | International on 26/9/07 |
Proceedings of the 1997 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) December 7-10,1997. | Proceedings of the 1997 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) December 7-10,1997. | Atlanta, Georgia , U.S.A. | Approved |
Proceedings of the 19th International Congress , Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMDEM 2006) | Proceedings of the 19th International Congress , Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMDEM 2006) | 12 – 15 , June 2006 , Lulea , Sweden | International on 26/3/08 |
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mchatronics,ICOM:01 | Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mchatronics,ICOM:01 | Kuala Lumpur ,Malaysia 12-13Feb.2001 | Approved |
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Integration Dynamics,Monitoring and Control "Integrating Dynamics,Condition Monitoring and Control for the 2 Ist Century" | Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Integration Dynamics,Monitoring and Control "Integrating Dynamics,Condition Monitoring and Control for the 2 Ist Century" | Manshester / U.K. 1999. | Approved |
Proceedings of The 2004 International TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing , SMMSP | Proceedings of The 2004 International TICSP Workshop on Spectral Methods and Multirate Signal Processing , SMMSP | Vienna , Austria, September 11 – 12 , 2004 | International on 30/5/07 |
Proceedings of the 2006 Industrial Engineering Conference , Annual Conference & Exposition | Proceedings of the 2006 Industrial Engineering Conference , Annual Conference & Exposition | May 20 – 24 , 2006 Renaissance Drlando Resort at Seaworld | International on 12/3/08 |
Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Modeling , Simulation & Uisualization Methods , (MSV'02 ) | Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Modeling , Simulation & Uisualization Methods , (MSV'02 ) | Las Vegas , Nevada , U.S.A. June 26 – 29 , 2006 | International on 16/4/08 |
Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Annual Conference & Exposition | Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Annual Conference & Exposition | May 19 – 23 , 2007 Renaissance Hotel Nashville , Nashville Convention Center , U.S.A. | International on 12/3/08 |
Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on E- Learning E- Business , Enterprise information Systems , and E- Government | Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on E- Learning E- Business , Enterprise information Systems , and E- Government | Las Vegas Nevada , USA July 18-21 , 2011 | International on 14-03/2012 |
Proceedings of the 26th International IASTED Conference on Modelling , Identification and Control | Proceedings of the 26th International IASTED Conference on Modelling , Identification and Control | Feb 12 – 14 , 2007 Insbruck , Astria | International on 18/6/08 |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “ Language , Culture and Literature: An Integrated Schema “ | Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference “ Language , Culture and Literature: An Integrated Schema “ | Faculty of Al-Alsun Minia University , Egypt 14-16 – March , 2005 | Local |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Desert Regions (Theme B) ( Sustainability of Water Resources in Arid Regions) | Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Desert Regions (Theme B) ( Sustainability of Water Resources in Arid Regions) | United Arab Emirates University / Al-Ain/1999 | Approved |
Proceedings of the 2nd International Non-Renewable Energy Source Congress(INRESC) | Proceedings of the 2nd International Non-Renewable Energy Source Congress(INRESC) | Tahran/ Iran 12-16/12/1998 | Not |
Proceedings of the 2nd World Enformatika Congress. WEC' 05 | Proceedings of the 2nd World Enformatika Congress. WEC' 05 | 25 - 27 February, 2005 Istanbul, Turkey | Approved |
Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering | Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering | June 28-July 2, 2002 Tinos Island, Greece. | International |
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology. ( Innovation in Manufacturing for Global Competitiveness). | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology. ( Innovation in Manufacturing for Global Competitiveness). | Malaysia / Kuala Lampur 11-13 May 2004 | Approved |
Proceedings of The 3rd Jordanian Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Conference. (JMIEC 99) | Proceedings of The 3rd Jordanian Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Conference. (JMIEC 99) | 9-12 May 1999 Amman – Jordan. | Local |
Proceedings of the 4th FAE International Symposium , Computer Science & Engineering & Electrical & Electronics Engineering | Proceedings of the 4th FAE International Symposium , Computer Science & Engineering & Electrical & Electronics Engineering | European University of Lefke , Faculty of Architecture , North Cyprus , 30 Nov., - 1 December. 2006 | International on 16/4/08 |
Proceedings of the 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology. CSIT 2006 | Proceedings of the 4th International Multiconference on Computer Science and Information Technology. CSIT 2006 | 5-7/ 4/ 2006 Applied Science Private University, Amman, Jordan | Local on 21/2/07 |
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Information and Computer Science , Internet Computing | Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Information and Computer Science , Internet Computing | 17 – 18 March , 2002 , Information and Computer Science Department , King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals | Local on 19/3/08 |
Proceedings of the 5th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing , Pattern Recognition , and Applications | Proceedings of the 5th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing , Pattern Recognition , and Applications | Feb 13 – 15 , 2008 Innsburck – Austria | International on 16/4/08 |
Proceedings of the 5th International Business Information Management Conference | Proceedings of the 5th International Business Information Management Conference | Cairo , Egypt , Dec 13 – 15 , 2005 | International on 30/09/09 |
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference On Desert Development Desert Development : The Endless Frontier, Vol.1. | Proceedings of the 5th International Conference On Desert Development Desert Development : The Endless Frontier, Vol.1. | Int. Center for Arid & Semiarid Land Studies,Texas Tech Univ. 12-17/8/1996 | Approved |
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications | Cairo/ Egypt 1998 | Approved |
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology. | University of the Aegean Greece.1999. | Approved |
Proceedings of the 7 th Dutch – Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop ( DIR 2007 ) | Proceedings of the 7 th Dutch – Belgian Information Retrieval Workshop ( DIR 2007 ) | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven , Belgium , March 28 – 29 , 2008 | International on 28/1/09 |
Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology | Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology | Ermoupolis, Syros Island , Greece , Sep 2001 | International |
Proceedings of The 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics ,Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2006) .( Applications of Informatics and Cybernetics In Science and Engineering ). Organized by : IIIS | Proceedings of The 7th World Multi-conference on Systemics ,Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2006) .( Applications of Informatics and Cybernetics In Science and Engineering ). Organized by : IIIS | Orlando , Florida , U.S.A. , July 27 – 30 , 2003 | International on 30/5/07 |
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES ( E – ACTIVITIES ' 08 ) . | Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES ( E – ACTIVITIES ' 08 ) . | Cairo , Egypt , December 29 – 31 , 2008 | Local on 9/9/09 |
Proceedings of the 9th Arab Structural Engineering Conference | Proceedings of the 9th Arab Structural Engineering Conference | United Arab Emirates University / Abu-Dhabi/ 29/11- 1/12/ 2003 | Approved |
Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference ( 8IGAda 2005 ) | Proceedings of the ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference ( 8IGAda 2005 ) | November 13 – 17 , 2005 , Double Tree Hotel – Atlanta / Buckhead , Atlanta , Georgia , U.S.A | International on 26/3/08 |
Proceedings of the American Control Conference Arlington | Proceedings of the American Control Conference Arlington | Virginia, U.S.A. , June 25 – 27 , 2001 | International |
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards : Better Food by Quality and Assurance (Acta Horticulturae) | Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards : Better Food by Quality and Assurance (Acta Horticulturae) | 7 – 11 May , 2006 , International Society for Horticultural Science , Amman – Jordan | International on 6/8/07 |
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards : Better Food by Quality and Assurance | Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Fresh Food Quality Standards : Better Food by Quality and Assurance | 7 - 11/5/2001 | International on 18/8/09 |
Proceedings of the fourteenth IASTED International Conference , Applied Informatics | Proceedings of the fourteenth IASTED International Conference , Applied Informatics | Innsbruck , Austria – February 20 – 22 , 1996 | International on 26/9/07 |
Proceedings of the gth International Conference on Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management | Proceedings of the gth International Conference on Condition Monitoring & Diagnostic Engineering Management | June 12 – 16 , 2007 Funchal , Portugal | International on 9/9/09 |
Proceedings of the IASTE Conference (The International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments) | Proceedings of the IASTE Conference (The International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments) | Tunis December,1994 | Approved |
Proceedings of the International Conference (Mathematics for Living) The Mathematics Education into The 21ST Century Project | Proceedings of the International Conference (Mathematics for Living) The Mathematics Education into The 21ST Century Project | Amman - Jordan Nov. 18 - 23, 2000 | Approved |
Proceedings of the International Conference , Water Saving in Mediterranean Agriculture & Future Research. Needs WASAMED Project | Proceedings of the International Conference , Water Saving in Mediterranean Agriculture & Future Research. Needs WASAMED Project | 14 – 17 feb , 2007,Valenzano , Italy | International on 5/12/07 |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing , Systems and Interdisciplinary Research | Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing , Systems and Interdisciplinary Research | Pescara , Italy 27 July – 1 August 2005 | Approved |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge | Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge | Engineering – IKE’03 Las Vegas, Nevada , U.S.A June 23 – 26 , 2003 CSREA Press | International |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology , ICIT, 2004 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology , ICIT, 2004 | December 17-19,2004 .Istanbul , Turkey | International on 5/9/07 |
Proceedings of the International Conference On Latest Developments in Refrigerated Storage, Transportation and Display od Food Prouduct | Proceedings of the International Conference On Latest Developments in Refrigerated Storage, Transportation and Display od Food Prouduct | Jordan University 28-30/ 3/ 2005 | Approved |
Proceedings of the International Conference On Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications | Proceedings of the International Conference On Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications | Beirut, Lebanon, May 31-June 4,2004 | Approved |
Proceedings of the International Food Legume Research World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes | Proceedings of the International Food Legume Research World Crops: Cool Season Food Legumes | Washigton, 6-11/ 7/ 1986, U.S.A. | Approved |
Proceedings of the Mit Linc 2007 Conference on the Dead Sea in Jordan " Technology – Enable Education : A Catalyst for Positive Change " | Proceedings of the Mit Linc 2007 Conference on the Dead Sea in Jordan " Technology – Enable Education : A Catalyst for Positive Change " | King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center on the Dead Sea , Amman – Jordan. October 28 – 29 , 2007 | Local on 10/9/08 |
Proceedings of the Ninth International and Conference on Computational Structures Technology | Proceedings of the Ninth International and Conference on Computational Structures Technology | Athens – Greece , 2 – 5 September , 2008 | International on 23/3/2010 |
Proceedings of the Regional EM Water Project Conference on Efficient Management of Wastewater Treatment and Re-Use in the Mediterranean Countries . (WATMED) | Proceedings of the Regional EM Water Project Conference on Efficient Management of Wastewater Treatment and Re-Use in the Mediterranean Countries . (WATMED) | 30 Oct. – 1 Nov. 2006 Amman – Jordan | Local |
Proceedings of the SCSS 2005, Advances in Systems , Computing Sciences and Software Engineering | Proceedings of the SCSS 2005, Advances in Systems , Computing Sciences and Software Engineering | Springer | International on 19/3/08 |
Proceedings of the Tenth IASTED International Conference on Signal & Image Processing | Proceedings of the Tenth IASTED International Conference on Signal & Image Processing | August 18 – 20 , 2008 : Koilua – Kona , Hawaii, U.S.A | International on 10/9/08 |
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (MAICS , 2002) | Proceedings of the Thirteenth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (MAICS , 2002) | Computer Science Department Illinois Institute of Technology , Chicago , Illinois , April 13 – 14, 2002 | International on 28/1/09 |
Proceedings of the World Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology ( WASET ) | Proceedings of the World Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology ( WASET ) | World Academy of Science , Engineering and Technology , Turkey , 2007 | International on 16/4/08 |
Proceedings The Thirty-Fourth International Symposium on Multiple – Valued Logic. ISMVL 2004 . Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Multiple – Valued Logic , University of Toronto and Altera Corporation | Proceedings The Thirty-Fourth International Symposium on Multiple – Valued Logic. ISMVL 2004 . Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Multiple – Valued Logic , University of Toronto and Altera Corporation | University of Toronto , Toronto , Canada ,19 – 22 May 2004 | International on 30/5/07 |
Recent Advances and Applications In Heat and Mass Transfer IMEC 2004. | Recent Advances and Applications In Heat and Mass Transfer IMEC 2004. | International Mechanical Engineering Conference & Expo 2004 Dec. 5-8 , 2004 Kuwait | Local |
Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics | Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics | Harvard University , Cambridge, USA, January 27-29,2010 | International on 04/04/2011 |
Recent Advances in Systems | Recent Advances in Systems | Rodos ( Rhodes) Island, Greece, July 22-24,2009 | International on 04/04/2011 |
S I T E – Society For Information Technology & Teacher Education International | S I T E – Society For Information Technology & Teacher Education International | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | International on 8/7/09 |
Second Consequentiality Conference | Second Consequentiality Conference | Sydney – Australia, 2005 Expanding Human Consciousness Inc., USA | International |
Second International Conference on Health,Wellness and Society | Second International Conference on Health,Wellness and Society | 10-11 March 2012 / U.S.A | local on 17/02/2013 |
Second International Conference on Thermal Engineering : Theory and Applications. | Second International Conference on Thermal Engineering : Theory and Applications. | January 3-6 , 2006,Al Ain, United Arab Emirates | International |
Second Jordanian International Conference For Mechanical Engineering (JIMEC 97). | Second Jordanian International Conference For Mechanical Engineering (JIMEC 97). | Amman 1-5 June 1997 Vol.11 | Local |
Sharjah International Conference on Nuclear and Renwable Energy (SHJ-NRE11) | Sharjah International Conference on Nuclear and Renwable Energy (SHJ-NRE11) | 3-5 April 2010 / The University of Sharjah U.A.E | local on 03/03/2013 |
Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference (Engineering & Engineering Education : Facing Current Challenges). | Sixth Saudi Engineering Conference (Engineering & Engineering Education : Facing Current Challenges). | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran , Saudi Arabia , 14-17 December 2002 | Not |
Special Issue paper from Journal of Electronic Materials | Special Issue paper from Journal of Electronic Materials | Springer New York LLC , U.S.A | International on 2/1/08 |
SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Computer – Aided Diagnosis | SPIE Medical Imaging 2012: Computer – Aided Diagnosis | February 4 , 2012 / U.S.A | local on 17/02/2013 |
Spring world congress on engineering and technology ( SCET2014 ) | Spring world congress on engineering and technology ( SCET2014 ) | April 16-18,2014 | not on 4/5/2015 |
Studies in Computional Intelligence | Studies in Computional Intelligence | Springer , Germany , Poland | International on 9/9/09 |
Symposium on Knowledge Cities | Symposium on Knowledge Cities | 26 – 28 Shawwal 1426 H (28 – 30 , Nov. 2005 ), Al – Madina Al-Munawara , Saudi Arabia | Local on 16/4/08 |
Teacher Education and School Reform (ICET) | Teacher Education and School Reform (ICET) | International Council on Education for Teaching(ICET) 1996 for the 43rd World Assembly Proceedings, Amman, Jordan | International |
The 1st International Chemical Engineering Conference And Chemical Industial Exhibition | The 1st International Chemical Engineering Conference And Chemical Industial Exhibition | At Albaath University – Homs , Syria , 10 – 12 February 2009 | Pending for study on 23/3/2010 |
The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISDA' 10) | The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Applications (ISDA' 10) | Universiti Putra Malaysia, 8 –10 December 2013 | International on 15/07/2013 |
The 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science ( ACACOS 11 ) | The 10th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science ( ACACOS 11 ) | Venice, Italy / 8-10 March, 2011 | International on 01/06/2011 |
The 11th WESAS International Conference NEURAL NETWORKS (NN'10) | The 11th WESAS International Conference NEURAL NETWORKS (NN'10) | Iasi, Romania , 13-15 June, 2010 | International on 19/08/2010 |
The 11th WESAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS ( FS'10) | The 11th WESAS International Conference on FUZZY SYSTEMS ( FS'10) | Iasi, Romania , 13-15 June, 2010 | International on 19/08/2010 |
The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology ( Rocom 11) | The 11th WSEAS International Conference on Robotics, Control and Manufacturing Technology ( Rocom 11) | Venice, Italy / 8-10 March, 2011 | International on 01/06/2011 |
The 12th Word Multi - Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Information: WMSCI | The 12th Word Multi - Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Information: WMSCI | 2008 June – July / Orando , Florida , USA | International on24/11/2011 |
The 14 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC-2012) | The 14 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communication (HPCC-2012) | 25-27 June 2012 , Leverpool , U.K | International on 27/11/2012 |
The 14th Word Conference on Systemics Cybernetics and Information : WMC , CI | The 14th Word Conference on Systemics Cybernetics and Information : WMC , CI | 2010 June – July , 2010 , Orando , Florida , USA | International on24/11/2011 |
The 19th IBIMA conference on innovation vision 2020 | The 19th IBIMA conference on innovation vision 2020 | Barcelona , Spain , November 12-13/2012 | International on 30/10/2013 |
The 2008 International Conference on Communications in Computing . ( ClC 2008 ) | The 2008 International Conference on Communications in Computing . ( ClC 2008 ) | Las Vegas – Nevada , U.S.A. , July 14 – 17 2008 | International 09/02/2010 |
The 2008 International Conference on Wireless Networks Volume I , Π | The 2008 International Conference on Wireless Networks Volume I , Π | World Comp ' o8 , July 14-17 , 2008 , Las Vegas Nevada, U.S.A | International 09/02/2010 |
The 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web – Services and Applications ( ISWSA 2010) | The 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Semantic Web – Services and Applications ( ISWSA 2010) | Amman , Jordan , 14-16 June, 2010 | local on 19/08/2010 |
The 2010 Word Congress In Computer Science Computer Engineering And Applied Computing | The 2010 Word Congress In Computer Science Computer Engineering And Applied Computing | 18 -21 June , 2011 , Las Vegas, Nevada USA | International on 24/11/2011 |
The 2011 International Nursing Research Conference (RCN) | The 2011 International Nursing Research Conference (RCN) | 16-18/5/2011 / U.K | local on 03/03/2013 |
The 2014th ESASO Academy congres | The 2014th ESASO Academy congres | 13-15 November 2014 , Turkey | International on 11/3/2015 |
The 2nd European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing | The 2nd European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing | University of Leicester 11 – 12 June 2007 , U.K | International 09/02/2010 |
The 3rd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications , Computers and Applications 26 – 28 October 2009 – Amman – Jordan | The 3rd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications , Computers and Applications 26 – 28 October 2009 – Amman – Jordan | | Pending for study on 09/02/2010 |
The 3rd World Congress On Adhesion and Related phenomena, WCARP –I I I | The 3rd World Congress On Adhesion and Related phenomena, WCARP –I I I | Beijing, PR China,15-18 October 2006 | International on 31/05/2010 |
The 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications | The 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications | Badajoz Spain , 18-20 October 2010 | International on 23-04/2012 |
The 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous System and Pervasive Network (EUSPN) | The 4th International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous System and Pervasive Network (EUSPN) | 21-24 October 2013, Canada | International on 14/05/2014 |
The 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learing , IMCL 2009 | The 4th International Conference on Interactive Mobile and Computer Aided Learing , IMCL 2009 | Princess Sumaya University for Technology 22-24 April 2009, Amman – Jordan | Local on 31/3/2010 |
The 4th International Euro – Mediterranean Conference on Cultural Heritage (EuroMed 2012) | The 4th International Euro – Mediterranean Conference on Cultural Heritage (EuroMed 2012) | 29 October – 3 November 2012 Limassol Cyprus | International on 27/11/2012 |
The 4th International Nursing Conference | The 4th International Nursing Conference | 23-24/4/2012 – Amman , Jordan | local on 17/02/2013 |
The 5th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering CIRP ICME 06 | The 5th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering CIRP ICME 06 | Ischia - Italy 25-28 July 2006 | International on 28-02/2012 |
The 5th IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications | The 5th IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications | Hohai University , Nanjing , China , 14-17 May 2012 | International on 04/06/2012 |
The 6th IEE International Conference on 3G and Beyond 3G 2005 | The 6th IEE International Conference on 3G and Beyond 3G 2005 | | Pending for study on 09/02/2010 |
The 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management: (6th Contecsi) | The 6th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management: (6th Contecsi) | June 2009 , Sao Paulo , Brazil | International on 24/11/2011 |
The 7th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems | The 7th International Congress on Logistics and SCM Systems | 7-9 June 2012 , Korea | International on 24/10/2012 |
The 8th International Conference Engineering In Technology Research | The 8th International Conference Engineering In Technology Research | 24-25 April 2014 , Dubai .U.A.E | International on 28/05/2014 |
The Arab – Israeli Conflict and The Future Middle East – Regional and Local Dynamics and Their International Repercussions | The Arab – Israeli Conflict and The Future Middle East – Regional and Local Dynamics and Their International Repercussions | Denmark 29-30 January 2011 | International on 24/07/2011 |
The Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering | The Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering | April 29-May 2 , 2012 / Canada | International on 03/03/2013 |
The Euro – Mediterranean Partnership : Assessing the First Decade | The Euro – Mediterranean Partnership : Assessing the First Decade | May 2005, Madrid - Spain | International on24/11/2011 |
The Fifth Global Conference on Power Control Optimization | The Fifth Global Conference on Power Control Optimization | 1-3 June 2011 / Dubai | International on 03/03/2013 |
The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics ( ICMEM 2010) | The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics ( ICMEM 2010) | Hammamet , Tunisia / December 18-20 / 2010 | International on 01/06/2011 |
The Fifth International Conference on Thin Walled Structures Held in Gold Coast | The Fifth International Conference on Thin Walled Structures Held in Gold Coast | Australia 18 – 20 June 2008 | International 09/02/2010 |
The Fifth International Multi – Conference on Systems , Signals and Devices .( IEEE SSD 08 ) | The Fifth International Multi – Conference on Systems , Signals and Devices .( IEEE SSD 08 ) | Amman - Jordan 20 – 23 July , 2008 | local on 09/02/2010 |
The IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ( AINA 2010 ) | The IEEE 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications ( AINA 2010 ) | Perth , Australia , 20 – 23 Aprial 2010 | International on 04/04/2011 |
The International Conference and Exhibition on Knowledge – Based Business , Industry and Education (KBIE 2011) | The International Conference and Exhibition on Knowledge – Based Business , Industry and Education (KBIE 2011) | Manam , Bahrain | International on 17/08/2011 |
The International Conference on Human Rights and the Humanities | The International Conference on Human Rights and the Humanities | American University of Beirut , 8-12/5/2012 | International on 06/07/2012 |
The International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design 2010 | The International Conference on Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design 2010 | Penang / Malaysia , 3-4 March 2010 | local on 21/06/2012 |
The international conference on the nabataean culture | The international conference on the nabataean culture | 5-8 May 2012 , Amman –Jordan | International on 11/3/2015 |
The International Conference on Wireless Networks , ICWN 2009 | The International Conference on Wireless Networks , ICWN 2009 | Aannual Research Conference | International on 05/07/2011 |
The International Critical Reception of Thousand and one Nights in the Fields of Humanities | The International Critical Reception of Thousand and one Nights in the Fields of Humanities | 13-14 April 2012 University of Al- Albayt – Jordan | local on 27/11/2012 |
The Sanitation Challenge | The Sanitation Challenge | Wageningen- The Netherlands / 19-21/May / 2008 | International on 05/07/2011 |
The Second International Chemical Engineering Conference | The Second International Chemical Engineering Conference | Amman – Jordan , October 2010 , 11-13 | local on 29/11/2010 |
The Seventh Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research (CSIIRW'11) | The Seventh Annual Workshop on Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research (CSIIRW'11) | October 12-14 , 2011 / U.S.A | local on 17/02/2013 |
The Seventh International Multi – Conference on Systems, Signals, and Devices, IEEE SSD'10 | The Seventh International Multi – Conference on Systems, Signals, and Devices, IEEE SSD'10 | Amman , Jordan , 27-30 June, 2010 | local on 19/08/2010 |
The Third International Conference on Computational Aspects and their Application in Electrical Engineering | The Third International Conference on Computational Aspects and their Application in Electrical Engineering | Jordan , October 1999 | local on 04/06/2012 |
The Third International Nursing Conference (Jordanian Nursing Council Conference) | The Third International Nursing Conference (Jordanian Nursing Council Conference) | 27th to 28th April 2010 / Amman - Jordan | local on 03/03/2013 |
The Vlues of Modern youth : the orientation of Education in the context of sustainable Developmen | The Vlues of Modern youth : the orientation of Education in the context of sustainable Developmen | Russia 24-25 April 2014 | local on 17/01/2015 |
The World Confedration Physical Therapy | The World Confedration Physical Therapy | 20-23/6/2011 | International on16/05/2013 |
The World International Conference on Technology Support Education ( WICTE -2010) | The World International Conference on Technology Support Education ( WICTE -2010) | American University of Science & Technology ( AUST ) , 2-3 December 2010 , Beirut | local on 11/05/2011 |
Third International Conference on the “ Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin“ | Third International Conference on the “ Water Resources in the Mediterranean Basin“ | Tripoli, Lebanon 1 – 3 November , 2006 | International |
Third International Conference "Connections and Ruptures: America and the Middle East | Third International Conference "Connections and Ruptures: America and the Middle East | American University of Beirut , January 6-9/2010 | International on 17/08/2011 |
Third International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries | Third International Conference on Construction in Developing Countries | 4-6 July 2012 , Bangkok , Thailand | International on 27/11/2012 |
Third International Conference on Structural Engineering , Mechanics and Computation | Third International Conference on Structural Engineering , Mechanics and Computation | 10 - 12 September 2007 , Cape Town , South Africa | International 09/02/2010 |
Third International Conference on Thermal Engineering : - Theory and Applications (ICTEA 2004 | Third International Conference on Thermal Engineering : - Theory and Applications (ICTEA 2004 | 21 – 23 May , 2007 – Amman – Jordan | local on 03/03/2010 |
Thirteen Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes | Thirteen Workshop on Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Materials and Processes | National Renewable Energy Laboratory Vail, Colorado ,U.S.A August 10-13, 2003 | International |
Traditions and innovations in modern linguistics | Traditions and innovations in modern linguistics | Russia, 19- 20 April 2012 | local on 15/01/2014 |
Tunisian – German Conference: Smart Systems and Devices | Tunisian – German Conference: Smart Systems and Devices | 27-30 March 2001 Hammamet , Tunisia | Local |
Understanding Global Business Environment : Its Economics, Financial, Accounting, marketing, and IT Dimensions | Understanding Global Business Environment : Its Economics, Financial, Accounting, marketing, and IT Dimensions | Jordan, 30- 31 October 2013 | local on 15/01/2014 |
United European Gastroeneriology Week UEGW | United European Gastroeneriology Week UEGW | October 2010 , Eouropean | International on 05/10/2011 |
WAC 2006 , 20th Year of Serving Global Technical Community | WAC 2006 , 20th Year of Serving Global Technical Community | Budapest Hilton, Budapest , Hungary. July 24 – 26 2006 | International on 30/5/07 |
Workshop Proceedings , Drafting Appropriate Policies and Guidelines to Support Sustainable Land Management in the Mediterranean Region | Workshop Proceedings , Drafting Appropriate Policies and Guidelines to Support Sustainable Land Management in the Mediterranean Region | Bari , Italy 6 – 11 September , 2005 | International on 5/12/07 |
Workshop Proceedings Determining an Incom - Product Generating Approach for Soil Conservation Management. | Workshop Proceedings Determining an Incom - Product Generating Approach for Soil Conservation Management. | Marrakech, Morocoo 12-16 Feb .2004.Published by : MEDCOASTLAND Publications | Local |
Workshop Proceedings, Promoting Participatory Management of the Land System to Enhance Soil Conservation | Workshop Proceedings, Promoting Participatory Management of the Land System to Enhance Soil Conservation | Alexandria , Egypt , 9 – 13 October , 2004 | International on 5/12/07 |
World Conference On Psychology, Counselling& Guidance | World Conference On Psychology, Counselling& Guidance | Antalya , Turkey , 21-25 April 2010 | International on 19/08/2010 |
World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology " WASET " | World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology " WASET " | dubai | International on 20/04/2011 |
World Congress Engineering | World Congress Engineering | London, U.K, 1-3 July , 2009 | Pending for study on 14/4/2010 |
World Congress Engineering (2007,2008,2009) | World Congress Engineering (2007,2008,2009) | London , U.K, 1-3 July , 2009 | International on 31/05/2010 |
World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport VIII | World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport VIII | The University of Megdebarg , Germany , 3 – 6 September , 2008 | International on 28/1/09 |
World Congress on Engineering 2010 : The 2010 International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering | World Congress on Engineering 2010 : The 2010 International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering | London , U.K. 30 June-2 July, 2010 | International on 28/06/2010 |
World Congress on Engineering 2010 : The 2010 International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering Management | World Congress on Engineering 2010 : The 2010 International Conference of Manufacturing Engineering Management | London , U.K. 30 June-2 July, 2010 | International on 28/06/2010 |
World Philosophy Day "Philosophy : Theory and Practice | World Philosophy Day "Philosophy : Theory and Practice | Iran , Tehran | International on 17/08/2011 |
World Philosophy Day Congress 2010 " Philosophy : Theory and Practice | World Philosophy Day Congress 2010 " Philosophy : Theory and Practice | Iran , Tehran / November 21-23 . 2010 | local on 11/05/2011 |
World Renewable Energy Congress 2005 | World Renewable Energy Congress 2005 | 22 – 27 May 2005 Aberdeen , Scotland , U.K | International on 10/9/08 |
World Renewable Energy Congress 2011- Sweden | World Renewable Energy Congress 2011- Sweden | Linkoping , 8-13 May 2011 | International on 01/07/2013 |
World Renewable Energy Congress IX 2006 | World Renewable Energy Congress IX 2006 | 19 – 25 August 2006 Florence – Italy | International on 10/9/08 |
WOSSPA 2011 , 7th International workshop on Systems , Signal Processing and their Applications | WOSSPA 2011 , 7th International workshop on Systems , Signal Processing and their Applications | 9-11 May 2011 WOSPA | International on24/11/2011 |
Xll dodicesima riunione nazionale di elettromagnelismo rinem | Xll dodicesima riunione nazionale di elettromagnelismo rinem | Cetraro, cs 28 settembre – 1 ottobre 98 | International on 04/10/2010 |
3Annual International Conference on Operations Research and Statistics | 3Annual International Conference on Operations Research and Statistics | Singapore 22-23 April 2013. | International on 10/1/2016 |
Second Workshop On Arabic Corpus Linguistics | Second Workshop On Arabic Corpus Linguistics | Lancaster,U.K 22 July 2013. | International on 10/3/2016 |
The 7th International Corpus Linguistics Conference . | The 7th International Corpus Linguistics Conference . | Lancaster ,U.K 23-26 July 2013. | International on 10/3/2016 |
3rd International Conference On Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory. | 3rd International Conference On Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory. | Turkey 28-31 May 2015. | International on 10/3/2016 |
IDT2013 – Deutsch Von Innen , Deutsch Von Aussen. | IDT2013 – Deutsch Von Innen , Deutsch Von Aussen. | Italy, 2013. | International on 10/3/2016 |
The 14th International Conference On Software Engineering ,Parallel and Distributed Systems ( SEP ADS 15). | The 14th International Conference On Software Engineering ,Parallel and Distributed Systems ( SEP ADS 15). | February 14-22, 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates . | International on 10/3/2016 |
The 7th International Workshop On Managing Insider Security Threats | The 7th International Workshop On Managing Insider Security Threats | October 12-16,2015, U.S.A . | International on 10/3/2016 |
International Water Technology Association (IWTA) . | International Water Technology Association (IWTA) . | 12-15 April 2009, Egypt . | International on 10/3/2016 |
The 10th International Conference on Education and Information Systems , Technologies and Applications : EISTA 2012 | The 10th International Conference on Education and Information Systems , Technologies and Applications : EISTA 2012 | 17-20 July 2012, Florida, U.S.A. | International on 10/3/2016 |
Saar Bru chen 2012 | Saar Bru chen 2012 | Saar Bru chen 2012 | International on31/3/2016 |
Saar Bruker Schriften Zu Linguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik | Saar Bruker Schriften Zu Linguistik und Fremdsprachendidaktik | 26-31 May 2014 Reykjavik, Iceland . | International on31/3/2016 |
The 9th Edition Language Resources and Evaluation Conference | The 9th Edition Language Resources and Evaluation Conference | Reykjavik, Iceland. 31 May 2014 | International on31/3/2016 |
Nematodes of Small Grain Cereals ,Current Status and Research | Nematodes of Small Grain Cereals ,Current Status and Research | 12-15 September 2015 ,Ankara ,Turkey | International on31/3/2016 |
6th international conference on information and communication systems . | 6th international conference on information and communication systems . | Amman, Jordan. 7 April 2015 | International on 22/5/2016 |
7th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy. | 7th International Conference on Drug Discovery and Therapy. | 15-12 February 2016 ,sharjah ,UAE | International on 22/5/2016 |
SMART2015 | SMART2015 | 23-25 November 2015 ,Kuwait. | International on13/7/2016 |
25th annual north American skull base society meeting. | 25th annual north American skull base society meeting. | 18-22 February 2015, Florida | International on27/9/2016 |
International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM2015) | International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM2015) | 27-29 April, 2015, Irbid, Jordan | International on27/9/2016 |
International Multidisciplinary conference | International Multidisciplinary conference | 21-22 April 2016, Turkey | International on27/9/2016 |
The 2015International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques | The 2015International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques | Crete, Greece/ June 14-20,2013 | International on 6/12/2016 |
The 2010 International conference of Mechanical Engineering | The 2010 International conference of Mechanical Engineering | 30 June-2 July ,2010/ U.K. | International on 22/11/2016 |
International congress on Ottoman Studies | International congress on Ottoman Studies | جامعة سقاريا /تركيا في الفترة 14-17/10/2015 | local on 22/11/2016 |
Issues of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language and Bilingual | Issues of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language and Bilingual | Jordan-Russian- Kyrgyzstan 7-11 November 2011 | local on 8/11/2016 |
Science, Art, Culture | Science, Art, Culture | Russian- Belgorod 21 December 2013 | local on 8/11/2016 |
المؤتمر الدولي الخامس لكلية الآداب | المؤتمر الدولي الخامس لكلية الآداب | جامعة الزيتونة الأردنية- الأردن (17-19/11/2015) | local on 8/11/2016 |
Intercultural communication in modern world | Intercultural communication in modern world | Amman- Jordan/ 11 April 2014 | local on 8/11/2016 |
International Conference of Computing Networking and Communication (ICNC) | International Conference of Computing Networking and Communication (ICNC) | California / USA 16-19/2/ 2015 | International on 31/1/2017 |
International Conference on Education Training and Management Innovation(ETMI 2016) | International Conference on Education Training and Management Innovation(ETMI 2016) | China during 30-31 / 10/2016 | International on 31/1/2017 |
2016 International Conference on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering (MCSSE2016) | 2016 International Conference on Mathematical, Computational and Statistical Sciences and Engineering (MCSSE2016) | | |
The 16th International conference on Solid –State Sensors , Actuators & Microsystems | The 16th International conference on Solid –State Sensors , Actuators & Microsystems | | |
The 12th World Conference Titanium | The 12th World Conference Titanium | | |
The 8th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians | The 8th Congress of Romanian Mathematicians | | |
American Heart Association Scientific | American Heart Association Scientific | 7-11 November 2015, Florida, U.S.A. | Not on 11/10/2010 |
ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent System | ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent System | September 21-25, 2015 / USA | International on24/4/2018 |
The Third International Conference of Informatics Engineering and Information Science "ICIIS2014 | The Third International Conference of Informatics Engineering and Information Science "ICIIS2014 | 2014 | International on24/4/2018 |
International Seminar on the Korean Studies in Middle East and Africa | International Seminar on the Korean Studies in Middle East and Africa | 29-31/10/2017 / Egypt | International on24/4/2018 |
SPE ANTEC 2013, Cincinnati , USA | SPE ANTEC 2013, Cincinnati , USA | Cincinnati , USA / 2013 | International on24/4/2018 |
SSEE International Conference , 2009 | SSEE International Conference , 2009 | Melbourne, Australia – 22-24 November 2009 | International on24/4/2018 |
الثورة العربية الكبرى1916-2016 | الثورة العربية الكبرى1916-2016 | Jordan | Local on24/4/2018 |
Proceeding of the SCRIPTA Letters, Language, and Literature | Proceeding of the SCRIPTA Letters, Language, and Literature | 4-5/1/2018/ Egypt | Local on24/4/2018 |
Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress | Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress | Paris -France 2018 | International on 11/12/2018 |
The 2nd International Dead Sea Conference of Sport and Health Science-Arab -European Conference (ACESHS) | The 2nd International Dead Sea Conference of Sport and Health Science-Arab -European Conference (ACESHS) | Dead Sea-Jordan 1-3/11/2017 | International on 15/1/2019 |
European Research Reactor Conference, PRFM | European Research Reactor Conference, PRFM | Bucharest, Romania | International on 26/2/2019 |
The Governance of Nature | The Governance of Nature | CPNSS-LSE –University of London | International on 17/3/2019 |
مسؤولية التربية والتعليم العالي في تفعيل التوجهات الايجابية للأمم المتحدة في العمل الاجتماعي | مسؤولية التربية والتعليم العالي في تفعيل التوجهات الايجابية للأمم المتحدة في العمل الاجتماعي | لبنان- بيروت | International on 17/3/2019 |
13S 2018 International Symposium on Social Science | 13S 2018 International Symposium on Social Science | Nevsehir, Turkey | International on 27/3/2019 |
The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98TH Annual Meeting | The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98TH Annual Meeting | Washington, USA | International on 5/5/2019 |
الشباب في مواجهة الفكر المتطرف | الشباب في مواجهة الفكر المتطرف | وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي –الأردن | Local on 5/5/2019 |
Migration and Refugees In The Middle East Recent Regional and International Challenger and Repercussions | Migration and Refugees In The Middle East Recent Regional and International Challenger and Repercussions | The University of Jordan | International on 5/5/2019 |
Bringing People Back to Politics | Bringing People Back to Politics | The University of Jordan | International on 5/5/2019 |
رؤى وأفكار لقضايا ساخنة في التعليم | رؤى وأفكار لقضايا ساخنة في التعليم | الجمعية الأردنية للعلوم التربوية | International on 5/5/2019 |
العملات الافتراضية في الميزان | العملات الافتراضية في الميزان | جامعة الشارقة | International on 27/6/2019 |
المؤتمر الأول لرابطة علماء الأردن | المؤتمر الأول لرابطة علماء الأردن | المركز الثقافي الملكي-الأردن | Local on 27/6/2019 |
International Scientific Conference 30th January 2019 | International Scientific Conference 30th January 2019 | The University of Jordan | International on 27/6/2019 |
المؤتمر السنوي العاشر للمنظمة العربية لضمان الجودة في التعليم | المؤتمر السنوي العاشر للمنظمة العربية لضمان الجودة في التعليم | الأردن | local on 30/7/2019 |
Seventh International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Rabat 2017 | Seventh International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management in Rabat 2017 | Morocco | International on 30/7/2019 |
International civil Engineering and Architecture Conference 2019 | International civil Engineering and Architecture Conference 2019 | تركيا | International on 30/7/2019 |
Proceeding of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference<br>المنعقد في:<br><br> | Proceeding of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference<br>المنعقد في:<br><br> | USA | International on 30/7/2019 |
ISERD – 586th International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS) | ISERD – 586th International Conference on Environment and Natural Science (ICENS) | Italy | International on 30/7/2019 |
Société internationale de linguistique fonctionnelle (S.I.L.F.)<br>International Society for Functional Linguistics<br> <br> | Société internationale de linguistique fonctionnelle (S.I.L.F.)<br>International Society for Functional Linguistics<br> <br> | MOSCOU | International on 30/7/2019 |
The 5th International Conference on Modern Approaches in Science, Technology & Engineering | The 5th International Conference on Modern Approaches in Science, Technology & Engineering | Germany | International ON 5/9/2019 |
Trent International Prosthetics Symposium | Trent International Prosthetics Symposium | UK | International ON 5/9/2019 |
المشروعات الصغيرة التنمية التمكين التحدي | المشروعات الصغيرة التنمية التمكين التحدي | جامعة عجلون الوطنية | International ON 5/9/2019 |
المؤتمر السنوي للدراسات التاريخية | المؤتمر السنوي للدراسات التاريخية | بيروت | International ON 5/9/2019 |
2016 3rd Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME) | 2016 3rd Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME) | UK | International on 8/10/2019 |
The 16th international Conference on Environmental Science and Technology | The 16th international Conference on Environmental Science and Technology | Greece | International on 8/10/2019 |
The 42th International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops | The 42th International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops | Greece | International on 8/10/2019 |
1st international Conference on Cancer Care International (CCI),2018 | 1st international Conference on Cancer Care International (CCI),2018 | Jordan | International on 8/10/2019 |
IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) 2019 | IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) 2019 | Jordan | International on 8/10/2019 |
The 5th Annual International Conference of IASS | The 5th Annual International Conference of IASS | Moscow | International on 8/10/2019 |
International Conference on Transportation & Development | International Conference on Transportation & Development | USA | International on 28/11/2019 |
ASCE Geo – Congress 2014 | ASCE Geo – Congress 2014 | USA | International on 28/11/2019 |
العمل الاجتماعي في مواجهة الإعلام السلبي | العمل الاجتماعي في مواجهة الإعلام السلبي | بيروت | International on 28/11/2019 |
Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences | Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences | Paris | International on 21/1/2020 |
SDG-Conference 'Towards Zero Hunger: Partnerships for Impact' | SDG-Conference 'Towards Zero Hunger: Partnerships for Impact' | Holanda | International on 21/1/2020 |
5th international scientific forum 2016 | 5th international scientific forum 2016 | Italy | International on 21/1/2020 |
Poland Jordan European union : anew role of Europe in the middle east after Arab spring | Poland Jordan European union : anew role of Europe in the middle east after Arab spring | Jordan | International on 21/1/2020 |
The 2nd International Research Conference - Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility | The 2nd International Research Conference - Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility | Dubai | International on 21/1/2020 |
مستقبل التعليم النوعي وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في ضوء مفهوم الجودة /محو ر التربية الموسيقية | مستقبل التعليم النوعي وذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في ضوء مفهوم الجودة /محو ر التربية الموسيقية | Egypt | International on 21/1/2020 |
"المؤتمر الدولي للعلوم الاجتماعية": المشترك بين المجتمعات الإنسانية | "المؤتمر الدولي للعلوم الاجتماعية": المشترك بين المجتمعات الإنسانية | Turkey | International on 21/1/2020 |
19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT 2017 | 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT 2017 | London | International on 21/1/2020 |
3 rd. International Conference on Education, Economy & Society | 3 rd. International Conference on Education, Economy & Society | Paris | International on 23/1/2020 |
المؤتمر الدولي السادس للعلوم الاجتماعية ألانيا | المؤتمر الدولي السادس للعلوم الاجتماعية ألانيا | تركيا | International on 28/5/2020 |
International Academic Conference Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies Spain | International Academic Conference Economics, Business, Globalization and Social Science Studies Spain | Spain | International on 28/5/2020 |
International Conference on Virtual Museums and Virtual Reality | International Conference on Virtual Museums and Virtual Reality | Dubai | International on 28/5/2020 |
IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery | IWA Specialist Conference on Global Challenges for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery | Nepal | International on 28/5/2020 |
Gulf Search meeting | Gulf Search meeting | University of Cambridge | International on 14/6/2020 |
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2019) | International Conference on Innovative Computing and Cutting-edge Technologies (ICICCT 2019) | Turkey | International on 14/6/2020 |
مؤتمر إدماج القيم في المؤسسات التربوية من خلال الانشطة والبرامج | مؤتمر إدماج القيم في المؤسسات التربوية من خلال الانشطة والبرامج | Turkey | International on 14/6/2020 |
مؤتمر الأسرة المسلمة في ظل التغيرات المعاصرة | مؤتمر الأسرة المسلمة في ظل التغيرات المعاصرة | Jordan | Local on 14/6/2020 |
المجتمع العربي : أزمة الراهن وسؤال المستقبل – الجامعة الاردنية | المجتمع العربي : أزمة الراهن وسؤال المستقبل – الجامعة الاردنية | Jordan | Local on 14/6/2020 |
Youth Politics in the Middle East and North Africa November 2019 | Youth Politics in the Middle East and North Africa November 2019 | Jordan | Local on 14/6/2020 |
Winter Simulation Conference - 2011 | Winter Simulation Conference - 2011 | Arizona | International on 12/7/2020 |
Proceeding of the World Congress on New Technologies Barcelona, Spain July 15- 17, 2015 | Proceeding of the World Congress on New Technologies Barcelona, Spain July 15- 17, 2015 | Spain | International on 12/7/2020 |
The Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP 2019) held under the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL | The Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (WANLP 2019) held under the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL | Italy | International on 12/7/2020 |
48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing System – CIRP CMS 2015 | 48th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing System – CIRP CMS 2015 | Italy | International on 18/8/2020 |
The 8th International Renewable Energy Congress IREC'2017 | The 8th International Renewable Energy Congress IREC'2017 | Jordan | International on 18/8/2020 |
المؤتمر العلمي الثاني لكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة | المؤتمر العلمي الثاني لكلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة | Jordan | Local on 18/8/2020 |
مؤتمر العلمي الدولي المعاصر للعلوم التربوية والاجتماعية والانسانية والادارية والطبيعية | مؤتمر العلمي الدولي المعاصر للعلوم التربوية والاجتماعية والانسانية والادارية والطبيعية | Turkey | International on 18/8/2020 |
أين إلى - الفلسطينية القضية 2018 | أين إلى - الفلسطينية القضية 2018 | Jordan | International on 25/11/2020 |
Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering/ Dublin, Ireland | Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering/ Dublin, Ireland | Ireland | International on 9/2/2021 |
Innovation and New Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology Education Conference | Innovation and New Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology Education Conference | Jordan | International on 22/6/2021 |
History of Civilization Sciences in Islam | History of Civilization Sciences in Islam | Turkey | International on 12/6/2022 |
الاتجاهات المعاصرة في تحقيق الأمن المجتمعي في ضوء المقاصد الشرعية والتربوية | الاتجاهات المعاصرة في تحقيق الأمن المجتمعي في ضوء المقاصد الشرعية والتربوية | Jordan | Local on 3/7/2022 |
ICBC 2022: 16. International Conference on Breast Cancer | ICBC 2022: 16. International Conference on Breast Cancer | Turkey | International on 3/7/2022 |
المؤتمر الفكري الثاني للمعهد العالمي للتجديد العربي | المؤتمر الفكري الثاني للمعهد العالمي للتجديد العربي | Tunisia | International on 25/8/2022 |
SURF 2022 the 9th symposium on publications pavement characteristics | SURF 2022 the 9th symposium on publications pavement characteristics | Italy | International on 25/8/2022 |
5th international conference on engineering and science | 5th international conference on engineering and science | Turkey | Local on 18/9/2022 |
The 4th international conference of material and engineering technology 2022 | The 4th international conference of material and engineering technology 2022 | Turkey | International on 31/1/2023 |
International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference (ICEARC'23) | International Civil Engineering and Architecture Conference (ICEARC'23) | Turkey | 2023/12/10 International on |
3rd Congress in Geomatics Engineering | 3rd Congress in Geomatics Engineering | Spain | 28/4/2024 International on |
CIGRE 2024 Paris Session | CIGRE 2024 Paris Session | France | 9/2/2025 International on |