The Deanship of Scientific Research provides proofreading services of all kinds, in cooperation with the Translation Center at the University of Jordan.
The Translation Center provides the following services:
1. Translation:
a. Translating materials of Humanities nature from Arabic into English and vice versa.
b. Translating scientific and medical materials from Arabic into English and vice versa.
c. Translation from Arabic into other foreign languages and vice versa.
2. Proofreading:
a. Reviewing materials of Humanities nature from Arabic to English and vice versa.
b. Reviewing materials of a scientific and medical nature from Arabic into English and vice versa.
c. Reviewing materials from Arabic to other foreign languages and vice versa
3. Editing:
a. Linguistic editing of articles in Arabic
b. Linguistic editing of articles in English
c. Linguistic editing of articles in other foreign languages
For more information:
Dirasat Journal
Deanship of Scientific Research
The University of Jordan
Amman- Jordan
Tel: 00962 - 06- 5355000
Ext: 25104 / 25114