The University of Jordan :: Research Groups :: Manaf Al-Okaily, Jadara University, Jordan
Group Members

Manaf Al-Okaily, Jadara University, Jordan

​Manaf Al-Okaily serves as an associate professor of digital accounting (accounting information systems) at Jadara University, Jordan and he is one of the top 2% scientists in the world according to a study conducted by Stanford University and Elsevier Publisher released for 2023. Al-Okaily earned his PhD from University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia. His current research interest is in the domain of digital transformation and artificial intelligence in accounting and finance, intelligent accounting systems, FinTech innovation, as well as digital technologiesrelated issues. He published over 75 scholarly articles in reputable journals in Scopus and Clarivate Analytics databases (with h-index: 25) such as Information Technology & People, Technology in Society, Electronic Commerce Research, Business Process Management Journal, Information Discovery and Delivery, Business Strategy and Development, VINE Journal, and Kybernetes Journal. On top of that, he has reviewed more than 150 referred articles in highly ranked journals (e.g., Scopus and Clarivate Analytics). ​