The University of Jordan :: Research Groups :: Adoption of CRM Technology to Enhance Business...
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Adoption of CRM Technology to Enhance Business Performance: Empirical Study among Jordanian Firms

​This paper examined technology information as the factor that drives productivity among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), particularly the effect of innovation on the performance of SMEs and the effect of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Technology on industrial performance. The mediation of CRM Technology on the effect of innovation on company performance was examined as well. Survey questionnaire was distributed online to 544 firms, and data were analyzed through structural equation models using Amos version 23. Results show that innovation increases productivity (performance) of small businesses and plays a positive role on information systems. However, innovation had an insignificant role on industrial Performance. Meanwhile, CRM Technology shows no mediation in the relationship between innovation and performance. Generally, results proved the significance of innovation in enhancing company performance. ​