بحث علمي مُنتج للمَعرِفة وذو تأثير في التَّنمية
عمادة البحث العلمي
A Study of The conservation and Restoration of the mosaic floors of the churches: STS. Cosmas and Damianus and Bishop Genesius in Jarash
Catreena Hamarneh  

Number of Pages: (230)

Price: (8) JD

This publication is a study which it concerned with studying the conservation and restoration practices in Jordan in general and Jarash in particular.
The Study explores the techniques of production of mosaic floors, analyses the materials used for mosaic floor production and examines the factors leading to mosaic floor deterioration by studying the state of conservation of the mosaic floor of Bishop Genesius church , and proposes optimal recommendations for the conservation , restoration, and presentation of the mosaic floor in light of a critical analysis of the history of intervention and the impact of materials used to date for conservation and restoration purposes.