بحث علمي مُنتج للمَعرِفة وذو تأثير في التَّنمية
عمادة البحث العلمي
Laboratory Manual for Introductory Chemistry
Prepared By:
 Prof. Dr.Hamdallah A. Hudali       Prof. Dr.Bassam M. Sweileh
 Prof. Dr.Kamal I. Abu Dari           Dr.Malak I. Qadri
Faculty of Science / University of Jordan

Number of Pages: (136)

Price: (2) JD

Studying chemistry and chemistry labs is required for chemistry students and for students in other fields, because of the strong interaction between chemistry as the study of matter itself, and other disciplines, where particular aspects of matter and its applications are studied. This lab manual includes experiments that are selected to teach the students various standard techniques used by scientists in chemistry and in other fields of science. In addition, most of the experiments are chosen to demonstrate the topics covered in course lectures.
In order to enjoy the work in the laboratory, you should suitably prepare yourself for lab work, otherwise you will spend most of the time wondering what is going on. Therefore, the best way to prepare yourself for the lab is to study the whole experiment, and to review the theoretical basis of the experiment. This will help you understand what you are going to do in the lab.
In each experiment, there is a report that you are going to complete in the lab, and each lab report is preceded by a set of pre-laboratory questions that you are asked to answer before coming to the lab. Finally, your lab instructor will guide you to prepare well for the lab work.