بحث علمي مُنتج للمَعرِفة وذو تأثير في التَّنمية
عمادة البحث العلمي
Bioecology and control of capnodis spp. In Irbid Governorate , Jordans

Prepared By: 
Sharaf, N.S. A. Abu-Jbara, L.R. Jaber and M.F. Bani-Mfarrej

The University of Jordan
This book comes to illustrate and explain the field experiments conducted in to study the bioecology and control of capnodis spp. In Irbid Governorate , Jordan. The experiment identified four species of capnodis, and established the pictorial key for the identified species. This book is considered helpful to scientists and students as the C.carbonaria has been determined to the most economic important species because of its wid distribution, and the expanded cullivation of its host.